Workshop on the Safety of Small Modular, Advanced and Fusion Reactors
The second in a series of six workshops with the stakeholder network of the HARMONISE project will be held on 20 and 21 June 2023 at Celje, Slovenia. This time the event is organized by HARMONISE in cooperation with the ECC-Smart project and support from the ELSMOR and McSAFER projects as a “Workshop on the Safety of Small Modular, Advanced and Fusion Reactors”.
The safety and licensing aspects of advanced nuclear reactors and facilities are crucial for reliable, safe and competitive construction as well as operation of future nuclear installations. The workshop participants will discuss the opportunities and challenges in researching and developing the technical approaches, methods and criteria for developing safety cases of future nuclear facilities, which form the basis for the licensing process.
The two-day workshop will be devoted to technical presentations from HARMONISE, ECC-Smart, McSAFER and ELSMOR participants that will be enriched with insight from guests active in international organizations dealing with nuclear and non-nuclear safety cases and regulations.
The workshop will bring together European and international efforts to promote, sustain and increase stakeholder awareness on the current efforts to develop strong safety cases for small modular, advanced and fusion reactors.
Registration is free and available via the event registration form.