
HARMONISE is a three-year HORIZON-EURATOM project that will be developed through six work packages interacting in accordance to the following flowchart.

WP6 Project Management

  • WP1: Regulatory & Safety levels
  • Interaction with activities performed in WP2, WP3 & WP4

Establish interactions with stakeholders – Assess current applications of the IAEA safety objectives – Assess existing safety cases for large fusion facilities

Retrieve specific safety-related needs – Identify common safety principles and bases – Evaluate the challenges for the harmonisation of the different frameworks – Propose recommendations for a common approach

  • WP2: Project level
  • Interaction with activities performed in WP1 & WP4
  • WP3: Prospective level
  • Interaction with activities performed in WP1

Define a concept for establishing a Risk-Informed Performance-Based regulatory infrastructure to support the licensing of advanced NPP technologies

Identify gaps and improvement areas of licensing procedures – Obtain knowledge from other industries – Examine transferring to the nuclear field licensing procedures – Identify options for accelerating licensing procedures – Propose a roadmap for optimization and harmonisation

  • WP4: Tool level (codes, standards,digital technology)
  • Interaction with activities performed in WP1 & WP2

Prepare comprehensive dissemination, exploitation & communication plans - Create & raise awareness about the project’s vision - Attract potential supporters, help foster acceptance of the project’s outcomes - Encourage action and system adaptation

WP5 Dissemination, exploitation and communication

WP1 Leader - JSI

Stakeholder Involvement

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Establishing interactions with stakeholders

Assessing current applications of the IAEA safety objectives

Assessing existing safety cases for large fusion facilities

WP2 Leader - ENEA

Licensing needs of innovative nuclear power plants

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To retrieve the specific safety-related needs associated with the reactor technologies that will power innovative plants

To identify common safety principles and bases as collected from different national regulatory frameworks

To evaluate the challenges for the harmonisation of the different frameworks and the gaps for their translation to future technologies

To propose recommendations for a common approach for the evolution of current licensing processes towards a harmonised one in the future

WP3 Leader – BEL V

Concept of a Technology-Inclusive RIPB Regulatory Framework

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Reviewing the utilization of risk insights along with the application of performance-based requirements in the current regulatory process

Reviewing the activities introducing RIPB approaches into a regulatory framework

Developing a technology-inclusive, RIPB approach

WP4 Leader - CEA

Codes and standards needs of innovative nuclear power plants

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Identification of gaps and areas of improvement of licensing procedures and qualification with special emphasis on codes and standards for mechanical components and materials

Knowledge by other industrial sectors how new digital technologies are used and taken into account

Investigations of the possibilities to transfer to the nuclear field licensing procedures successfully developed to integrate new digital technologies

Assessment of different options and identification of the promising ones to accelerate and improve the reliability of license procedures and qualification of innovative nuclear reactors through codes and standards

Proposal of a roadmap for optimization and harmonisation of codes and standards

WP5 Leader - NCSR "D"

Dissemination, exploitation, and communication

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To prepare comprehensive dissemination, exploitation and communication plans, including the dissemination and communication material, as well as the set up and maintenance of the respective channels

To create and raise awareness about the project’s vision through electronic and non-electronic means, as well as through interactive and non-interactive activities

To attract potential supporters, help foster acceptance of the project’s outcomes in a positively-inclined community

To encourage action and system adaptation, preparing the ground for exploitation activities

WP6 Leader – LEI

Project management

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To monitor the different coordination activities in WP1 up to WP5 and to cover the global administrative management of the project

To assure the coordination and management of the consortium, over and above the technical management of the WPs

To assess and mitigate any potential or identified risks to the project

Establishment and implementation of project activity plans and reporting structures, ensuring timely delivery of expected results

Establishment of an effective project management structure incorporating the management of the work package teams and the Tasks

Creation of an effective project management framework, maintain overall consortium communication

Set up and management of the financial accounting records
