HARMONISE in Nuclear and Radiation Safety

The works performed by the HARMONISE partner State Enterprise “State Scientific and Technical Center for Nuclear and Radiation Safety” (SSTC NRS) within Work package 2 of the project is described in an article published on the Scientific and Technical Journal “Nuclear and Radiation Safety”.

The article entitled “Study of Regulatory Framework Needs for Licensing of Innovative Nuclear Facilities within the HARMONISE Project” by O. Kukhotskyi, A. Shyshuta, V. Bakanov, O. Serhiienko, O. Ligotskyy, D. Gumenyuk appeared on 25 June 2024 on the No 2(102) (2024) issue of Nuclear and Radiation Safety and may be accessed at: https://doi.org/10.32918/nrs.2024.2(102).01.
