HARMONISE at IAEA Technical Meeting in Vienna, AT
The HARMONISE efforts to analyse the potential for a technology-neutral regulation regarding, in particular, the implementation of the Defence in Depth concept were presented at the “Technical Meeting on Demonstration of Defence in Depth Implementation Using Probabilistic and Deterministic Approaches for Nuclear Power Plants,” EVT2400479, held in Vienna, Austria on 10 through 14 March 2025. A project activity aims at identifying if and how the characteristics of innovative technologies are treated in the licensing requirements while recognizing the licensing gaps to match these specificities.

To this end, Mr Walter Klein-Heßling presented on 13 March 2025 during Session 5: “Innovative Designs and Technologies” a paper entitled “On the reformulation of defence in depth requirements in novel reactor designs” by W. Klein-Heßling, T. Löher, A. Ikonomopoulos, M. Nitoi, L. Cizelj, E. Urbonavičius.