A report listing all members of the stakeholder group built in Task 1.1.
A report summarising the outcomes of workshops 1-3.
A report summarising the outcomes of workshops 4-6.
A report outlining the HARMONISE interaction with the network of stakeholders.
A report encapsulating the assessment of the IAEA safety objectives in advanced fission reactors.
A report epitomising the assessment of the safety cases of fusion facilities.
A report outlining the license needs identified as a result of the specificities of innovative technologies.
A report identifying the licensing gaps that match the specificities of innovative technologies.
A report listing the HARMONISE recommendations for a homogenised approach in filling the licensing gaps of innovative technologies.
Documentation of the review outcome on the application of risk insights and performance-based requirements in the current regulatory processes.
Documentation of the review output on the activities employed in introducing RIPB approaches into a regulatory framework.
A report sketching the format of the developed technology-inclusive, RIPB approach.
A report presenting the questionnaire prepared for the SDOs.
A report delineating the needs identified in terms of codes and standards.
A report outlining the adoption of the identified novel digital technologies in the nuclear sector.
A report listing the degree to which the existing codes and standards meet the needs recognized in Task4.1.
A report proposing a roadmap for the enhancement of the codes and standards in accordance to the findings of Tasks T4.1 and T4.2.
A document outlining the dissemination, exploitation and communication strategy, including the target groups to be addressed, the development of a website and the online communication channels to be setup. This plan will be updated for the duration of the project thus, acting as a live document.
A report summarising all communication and dissemination activities conducted by consortium members during the first reporting period.
A report summarising all communication and dissemination activities conducted by consortium members during the second reporting period.
A plan outlining the exploitation strategy of the project’s outcomes.