The HARMONISE project’s fifth workshop
The fifth in a series of six workshops with the stakeholder network is scheduled to take place as an online event on 18 March 2025 at 14:00 to 16:30 CET.
The event will be a moderated discussion aiming at briefly informing the stakeholder network on the HARMONISE progress and receiving relevant input as well as feedback.
The workshop agenda is:
- Welcome (Leon Cizelj)
- Round table introduction (All)
- HARMONISE project – Overview (Egidijus Urbonavičius)
- Useful ideas from the aviation regulations (Yves Morier)
- Discussion (All)
- A.O.B.
The workshop will be recorded and a report summarizing its outcomes will be prepared and submitted within a project deliverable.
Event participation is free and available via this link.